Along the Bayou Teche

Do you know what a bayou is?


Our latest summer reading photo comes from Morgan who is reading along the Bayou Teche in Southern Louisiana. A bayou is a French/English word that means a very slow moving river. Bayous are commonly found in the Mississippi River region of the southeast.

photo courtesy of

photo courtesy of

Remember the story of the Three Little Pigs? The story that Morgan is reading is a Cajun version of this story.


Cajun is an ethnic group of people from southern Louisiana. They are very well known for their own dialect, accent, music and food! Here is a video of a librarian from Gulf Shores Elementary School reading The Three Little Cajun Pigs by Mike Artell.

Thanks Morgan for sharing your photo! Keep Reading!

Mrs. Hembree


 Have you ever eaten any Cajun food?

Have you ever visited the Bayou area of Louisiana?

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6 thoughts on “Along the Bayou Teche

  1. I knew when I seen the adorable face in the first picture that I was about to learn something. I did not know that bayou meant slow moving water, I thought it was more relative to a type of environment flora/fauna wise. Thanks for educating me today!

    • Dear Charles,
      Thanks for visiting our blog. I admit I had to look up the term bayou because I was curious about the meaning. I also didn’t realize that the Cajuns are descendants of people from Acadia – or the area around Nova Scotia and Maine.
      Enjoy your day!
      Julie Hembree

  2. Dear Mrs Hembree,

    Once again your wonderful readers are sending in some awesome photos. Not only are they reading such wonderful books but they are also teaching me a great deal.

    I have heard on the word bayou but never would have thought it meant slow moving water interesting. It always amazes me how words mean so much more.

    Happy reading and hope you are having a wonderful holiday,

    From your friend down under,
    AA 🙂

    • Dear AA,
      Someday I would like to visit what we call the deep South – the very southern reaches of Louisiana. I’d like to see the bayous and all of the beautiful southern mansions. However, it’s so hot and humid there, that visiting in the summertime is too much for me. I can’t handle that kind of humidity. It feels like your breathe is sucked right out of you and you always feel like you are in a shower.

      Not a fan of humidity,
      Mrs. Hembree

  3. Many thanks for that wonderful site. Was curious from reading Dave Robichaud’s stories in the Burkes’novels. The atmosphere is contradictory in these stories. I think the author wants us to share the shame of living in such a paradise as he describes it and accept so much unfair. I was amazed how familiar the pictures I discovered on this site seemed to me just from reading Burke’s books. This site is great. I wish I can visit the real place soon.
    JLouis From France, (where Cajun came from after their “stay” in Canada.)

    • Dear JLouis,
      Thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my blog! I am going t have to read one of Burke’s Dave Robicheaux novels. I enjoy mysteries and it sounds like they are his specialty. Since the author grew up in the deep South of Louisiana, I imagine his details of the surroundings are quite accurate. I have never been there, but hope to visit it one day as well.
      Thanks again for visiting,
      Julie Hembree

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