A Dot-Art-a-licious Week



We made our Dot Art Mark last week in grades K-5 to celebrate #dotday15! During International Dot Day or week, children all over the world read the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds and celebrated what makes them unique and creative. Over a million children in countries around the globe took part in this fun reading activity. Many of our blogging buddies participated around the country and in other nations including Mrs. Camp in Texas, Mrs. Monaghan in Middleham, England, and Mrs. Moore in Michigan.

make your mark

In library class we read The Dot and then the students in each grade learned about a different artist. After the mini-lesson, the students imitated that style of art to create their own awesome dot.




We also had a special guest Ms. Bower from New Zealand visit our library during Dot Week. Ms.Bower has met Peter H. Reynolds many times and enjoyed reading The Dot to some classes with her Kiwi accent!


This week in class, the first graders will be viewing the dots made by the students in our partner library in Texas. Mrs. Camp, the librarian at Benfer Elementary, and I have been collaborating on various activities in recent years, but this is the first time we have shared Bobcat Dot Day art! Since I moved schools, we are now both Bobcats. It will be fun learning how to make quality comments on their blog. They even learned The Dot song by Emily Arrows and Peter H. Reynolds.



Still wondering about that book? Watch Peter H. Reynolds read his book on this video.

We are all so talented in ways we don’t even realize. Let me know in a comment how you are special, creative and talented. How are YOU making your mark on the world today?

make your mark

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8 thoughts on “A Dot-Art-a-licious Week

  1. Dear Bobcats,
    We love your dots because they look like a rainbow! They look cool and awesome! Thank you for admiring our dots too. It made us feel happy!
    Mrs. Siekas’ 1st grade

  2. Dear Bobcats,
    We love your dots! They are very creative and beautiful! Your bobcat art is unique and good!
    We like your dots!
    Mrs. Scott’s and Mrs. Michaels’ 1st graders

  3. Dear Bobcats,
    We love your dots. We especially love the way all of your dots were made in a different art style. It made them very interesting to look at. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Dear Bobcats,
    We like your dots because they are really colorful and they have cool designs. You are great artists! Keep up the good work! Your dots are very lovely. Keep being creative!
    Mrs. Pallavicini’s 1st Grade Class

  5. Dear Bobcats,
    Your dots are really creative and cool! They are beautiful and lovely. We like all the details! Thanks for commenting on our dots! We liked that!
    Your Bobcat Friends,
    Mrs. Clapp’s class

  6. We love your dots! They are nice! We like the colors and the first graders’ dots inside dots! We can tell you worked hard!
    Mrs. LaBrosse’s Bobcats

  7. Dear Mrs. Hembree and the Bobcats,

    Thank you for mentioning our class in your blog post. We were very surprised to see our name!

    Your dot art is very creative. Well done, Bobcats! Your visitor from New Zealand caught our attention. What is a Kiwi accent? Stefan was wondering if it is a metaphor.

    We thought of some ways that we will make our mark. First, we are the oldest students in our school. We will make our mark by setting a good example for all the younger students. Second, we are all smart in different ways. We will make our mark by encouraging others to be brave and try new things. Finally, we are unique and don’t need to worry about what others think of us. This will help us be brave and try new things ourselves. Thanks for sharing!

    Your blogging buddies in Michigan,
    Mrs. Moore and the Techie Kids

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